Give yourself the tools to unleash
your fabulous mom-ness

Susan Cain (author of Quiet):

The best thing parents can do for introverted children is:

Me (founder of Quiet Mothering):

Applying this to our introverted selves:


The "good mom" podcast

A good mom acknowledges her human being-ness, loves herself warts and all, and aims for fabulous.

The trying, the journey – that to me is a good mom. 

This podcast explores the challenges and exhilarations of being a good mom. You also get practical tools to implement now.

The Quiet Mothering workshop

Take a journey toward understanding your needs as an introvert, and learning how to meet those needs.

Your goal:

Custom Services

In your most glorious fantasies… what does your ideal evening look like, feel like, sound like?

Let’s achieve that.

Attention grabber

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Adam Sendler


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Attention grabber

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Adam Sendler

Let's achieve serene parenting, together

C'mon, pull up a coffee

Weekly inspiration and practical tips for introverted moms like you